Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My True Love - 2

I have been thinking of writing this “My true love” since a couple of days but could not snatch a nap while to do so. I don’t know what is that craziest thing that’s making me write at this hour of life when I am exhausted like never before, eyelids falling free to gravity and I wear a crown of to-dos that I cant remove. I am desperate to write this and tell the world “MY TRUE LOVE!!” for I fear losing it though I swear shall strive my best.

Practical life taught me the art of masking and making things right for my mask to stay on. Soon I could master it well and make picture perfect things for near ones I cant separate from. No harm intended. May be its just a bargain to buy a little good time as I prepared myself to face the reality and let my near ones enjoy a little more time. Everyone around me was happy believing what they see. That induced happiness into me. Even I looked happy though deep in me I knew I am masking and this is not me. I encapsulated the shaky me in the mask that serves armor to the ongoing war within me. The punishment was in every second, every deed, every feel and every thought that it is the mask that people react to my mask and not me. All the pleasure is for the mask and me enjoying in disguise.

With different flavors of life, I started to try a flavor everyone JUST talks about. May be it’s a fragrance everyone talks about but cant afford to experience or cant dare to stand it. It’s something that most fake around but may not try to wear it on. You already know I am talking all about my true love with “HONESTY”. I have lost a lot after being in love with honesty. After losing a few, I myself felt what is the fun in having the rest? And let situations throw everything into the flames, as I meet eyes with my love. Is my love worth all this? Is it too late? I felt may be I would finally throw myself into the flames and let my love see me and just see me …..

But there is a difference. My love with honesty has built something in me. Something strong… This time it’s a strong me, covered by brittle mask my near and dear are trying to press on me. The may be doing this as a favor to me but I don’t need it anymore. My love has filled me with something that makes me strong enough. It reenergized me. I have new energies flowing in me. My love has without a word made all this for me. A feel, a strength, a courage ….. all beyond words.

I don’t know if I can stand with you. But if I stand it shall be

I stand with you to be looked down.
I stand with you to be betrayed.
I stand with you to suffer.
I stand with you to be perfect in this imperfect world.
I stand with you to be destroyed.
I stand with you to swim in the holy guilt free river.
I stand with you after losing everything …. to be lost forever.
I stand with you to be lost

My dear you have made me strong. With the new hope, don’t you think I ll get inclined to the blind world and not be with you? I am left with a choice to flow with the world and encapsulate a shaky me in a tough mask or be with you a strong me with a brittle mask that I don’t mind being ripped off for now. What do I do? Should I still have faith in you and believe you blind to see how well you washout? I see it’s just suffering, tears, depression and something strong within me that I cant put in words that you can buy for me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An Autograph!

Frozen freedom.
Foul play flourishing.
Feelings faint far off.

Excitement extinct.
Enthusiasm endangered.

Betrayal bestowed all around.
Best become beasts.
Born to be beaten.

Destiny cuts deep.
The witch in time stitches it with ditch.

This is my signature.
Rendezvous with bad luck!
Nostalgic picture perfect life!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Practically twisted

Loyalty shall be laid down royally,
Covered by a carpet of cruelty sandwiched in cunningness
Topped with the designs of innocence.
On this stage shall sing the selfish, shameless and slaughters.
On this stage shall dance the dreadful and deceptive.
Currency shall be the curtains.
More the curtain decoration, attractive the stage.

Audience gather seeing the glitters.
Accolades are for the performers.
Glee is on seeing the stage so well set.
The curtains that sway enthrall the ones who see.

Does anyone realize all the glitters prey on humbles?
Moral shall lose its Modesty if it tries to move on stage.

Honorable honesty shall rest it a nest high and hidden in nature,
Away from pollution and population.
An adventurous hunter may still find it.
He is at altitudes that not many can reach or hear from.
An attempt to get the honesty out of the nest to the real world shall go in vein
For the egg may hatch and the little bird shall fly high again.

Truth that can serve a torch to throw light around,
Shall be frozen and treasured in time before anyone can tear it.
If you try to excavate the frozen truth,
By the time you reach out to show,
It may melt and change its form.

It’s only when there is no show happening,
You hardly notice the loyalty there though it has always been there.

Is the conclusion like this practically?

The good does not know to project itself,
Lacks communication skills,
Has no management skill.

The bad has awesome communication skills and reaches everyone.
Is goal oriented and doesn’t bother the path taken.
Is it bad to be good and good to be bad?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The World is just for me

I never thought that the world shall groom up for me to rejoice.
At this moment I see the world on a procession, introducing vibrant colors to me.
Is this true? Or am I dreaming?
Who would believe it if I say it is true.
Did I stand a statue in the beauty all this while?
Did I just now become a lively wave in the ocean?
I never thought that the world shall groom up for me.
At this moment I see the world on a procession, introducing vibrant colors to me.

The mischievous rainbow floating in the blue sky
Shall bend down to pick the colors of my smile
To show to the world,
The colors of joy.
The small fish finding thrill on a wave,
Envy me seeing the speed with which I enjoy.
I want to let my thoughts fly high.
And race with the birds flying out there.
When I am tired, the clouds there,
Offers to rains on me and refresh me.
My little heart that has been confined so far,
Has learnt to walk and run.
How can it stand long at any point now on?
I never thought that the world shall groom up for me.
At this moment I see the world on a procession, introducing vibrant colors to me.

Something new that did not exist yesterday,
Has now made friends with me and walks with me like my shadow.
We have become so close that it doesn’t want to leave me now.
The path I tread on is now taking turns showing a surprise on every turn it takes.
Is the new friendship helping my dreams come true or allowing me to dream more?
Did this work on the hidden tunes in me.
Let some of my wishes slip away……
But, let me reach the shores of my life 100 years away.

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