Monday, May 29, 2017

Monster 3D

As I lull to sleep, the curtains to the real-world drop.
Then raises the 3-D monster of imagination.
Silence around is the conducting medium.
Darkness is the center stage.
Ordeals the director of the play

As I start to relive the painful past in the dream, the ME in me kicks me to open my eyes
No! No! No! it’s not true. It is over! Not again! Hurls the ME in me
Don’t let trauma prey your time and peace yet again.
You have a pleasant present.
I am with you and shall not let trauma conquer you says the Me in me.

Hurray! Finally I am able to identify trauma and see it from a distance.
As trauma hits again and again the ME in me is at guard.
Again and again and again I lull and punch the trauma that is trying to take me.
Who is it to triumph?
As I take pride in the Me guarding me and shooing away the Trauma behind curtains.

The monster rests as I run errands and chores
Harnessing energies! I complete the day as it is supposed to be.
I do not want to raise a toast to the monster and so,
Do not compromise the activities of the day.
As though the monster never existed!

The moment I tend to relax, As I lull to sleep,
The curtains to the real-world drop.
Then raises the 3-D monster of imagination.
Silence around is the conducting medium.
Darkness is the stage where Ordeals director the play

Days last the battle that sticks my eyes open
For I cannot watch the monster do a show.
Lack of sleep, gives raise to different monster friend.
And now they are 2 and ME alone.
The violent mind seems to be possessed already!

How I wish not to have this battle ……..
Cannot stick my eyes open for ever.
The monster is not yet tamed
The ME is not yet strong enough.

How I wish rain, pain or drain!! May I get some sleep ……….

From the dairies of a trauma haunted victim.

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