Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Define it

Directions can be limited.
Dimensions can have limitations.
Determination has known none.

Hug from Nature

After a long long long time,
I see a leaf drop its branch.
It rolls down in grace to fall flat.
Dancing after death was the leaf.
Graceful aging for the tree …..
Splendid blooming….
Sometimes it is an element of surprise.
Sometimes it is an element of delight.
Nothing is as soothing as nature.
A calm walk by it is the best soother.

A warm hug to the chilling winters!

Wish a spiral

Concentric orbits form a great system!
Beautiful, loaded with energy, huge and yet to be decoded.
Seen and felt but not understood, amazing, mind boggling
Life is sometimes similar…
Each orbit is a huge story by itself with all the above.
Often someone asks “Why did this happen…?”
Wish life was more of spiral where the flow is maintained than concentric.

Tired of trying to explain, I wish to let it go.
Like the solar system, let it stay suspended
Where it does not matter to any
All that is needed is more and more of ignorance
Wish we had controls to erase memories as ….
Sharpening of mind to connect all dots seems impossible.

Impossible reads I’m possible but does not tell when and where.

Where Am I?

Not a new born
Not a reborn
Not a NDE (near death experience)
Not a ghost
Not normal or abnormal
Can death happen multiple times?

The voices of dead soul preach.
Noises of the real world hurl and hurt.
Crises of the moment stay cold.
Something that should pain doesn’t pain
Something that is a glee doesn’t gleam
Just on fire fighting mode all the time.

Do I belong to the species I am born in anymore?

A soul that has been numb since ….
It quickly gulps the little anything and dabs it numb too.
In extreme silence it would just ease frozen.
It doesn't tease or trench.
I run like the heard I belong to runs.
I walk like the nerd in the group.

Do I belong to the species I am born in anymore?

How I wish I live in a black hole where nothing can reach and retain its dimensions.
And I walk in and out of it.
How I wish it dissolves when I cannot solve.
Winners are busy making and not wishing.
Where am I?

Do I belong to the species I am born in anymore?

Pain wash

Tears may just wash the rust on your pain But,
They cannot tear the reason of your pain.
The past cannot be tweaked or tainted.
You like it or not, it is how it is perceived.
You cannot influence the shades others see on the dangling canvas rolled down.
All you can do is choose to throw in colors of your choice on the canvas yet to roll.
Again the rolled down canvas is being tainted simultaneously make sure your colors are loud or sober as you like.
Color the present in colors of your choice and enjoy.
Work on your piece of art as much as you enjoy and not so far to reach someone.
Relish every minute.
Do not let the leeches reach you.

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