A list of human traits that all of us are aware of but hardly agree on. These traits define each of us but see what you call it and what the world calls it.
If you stick to your own guidelines and are not easily influenced,
The world calls you HEAD STRONG.
If you are easily influenced,
You call yourself to be FLEXIBLE
The world calls you to be FICKLE MINDED.
If you try to defend yourself,
You call yourself to be SELF CONFIDENT.
The world calls you OVER CONFIDENT.
If you try to drive your point and achieve,
The world says you are STUBBORN.
If you think practical and come to conclusions that contradict,
You call yourself to be LOGICAL.
The world says you OVERTHINK.
If you talk less and think more,
You call yourself RESERVED.
The world calls you be EGOISTIC.
If you look around to feel,
The world says LEARN UP TO LIVE.
If you want to be humble and try being simple,
You call it SIMPLICITY.
The world says you are a STINGY.
If you are fun loving and talk jovial,
You call it being HUMOREOUS.
The world calls it being a CRITIC.
If you react to things promptly without dealy,
The world calls it being OVER SMART.
If you tell things upfront,
You call it being STRAIGHT FORWARD.
The world calls you INSULT.
If you vent out your feeling,
You call it being OPEN HEARTED.
The world calls it being SHORT TEMPERED.
If you try to ask people to find out what is wrong or good,
You call it being CONCERNED
The world says you NAG.
If you go on doing what you like,
You call it enjoying LIBERTY.
The world says you are FOOT LOOSE.
If you want everything to be planned in advance,
You call yourself as being CAREFULL.
The world calls you to be TOO INTRUSIVE.
If you try to stick to plans,
You say you have STABILITY OF MIND.
The world says you are RIGID.
If you try to take initiative,
You call it LEADERSHIP quality.
The world says you are a MONARCH.
If you are ready to adapt,
You call yourself to be a FOLLOWER.
The world says you lack MOTIVE and need SUPERVISION.
If you can easily forgive people,
You call yourself to be COOL MINDED.
The world calls you to be OUT OF YOUR MIND.
If you easily get satisfied and appreciate,
You call it being CHIVALROUS.
The world calls you to be DUMB.
If you try to solve your problems all by yourself,
You call it being CAPABLE.
The world says you UNDER-ESTIMATE others
If you think the other person would also be like you,
You call it treating everyone EQUAL.
The world says you are SICK for no two people can think the same.
If you think for yourself and do not bother about others,
You say you do not PRESUME things.
The world says you don’t CONSIDER anyone.